Ok so this is my first blog post. WHAT?!?!....I know, I know. I am the last person on earth without a blog. I recently was introduced to the world of blog by a friend from church. I was just browsing everyone's blogs thinking how wonderful it would be to share my thoughts with you all. I was truely inspired to start a blog of my own while reading the the story of Audrey Caroline. If you all have not been introduced to this blog, I suggested you read it. I hope that I can be as articulate in my posts as Angie is in hers (I doubt it). I read this woman's words and feel as if I know her. I would like to say something to her in the form of a comment, but I don't know what to say. I am so overwhelmed by her words that mine seem so small in comparison. Being a mother and a NICU nurse, formerly a PICU nurse, I understand the pain but can't imagine the experience of it. Maybe one day I will post a comment, but for now I just read and cry along with her.
So tonight while sitting at work doing dialysis, I decided it was time. I have been thinking about for weeks now. I know it seems like a silly thing to think about for weeks, but I just didn't know what I would say. My courage is up and now I will start talking and my never shut up. For now I am going to go back to dialysis and my baby.