Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Please Pray

This post is God inspired and I know that God will use it as He sees fit. I know that there are people who sometimes read this that have hundreds of people who read their blogs and I am hoping that this post reaches you.

Please pray for Pam. Her story is one of inspiration and faith that I could not even imagine. She was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer when she was pregnant with her son. This was two years ago. She decided to put her whole self in God's hands and did not get chemo. She instead used natural remedies and God to combat this enemy. Her tumors shrunk and she was doing VERY good. I would use the word remission, but don't know if that was a word she used or not. She was a marathon runner and is a mommy to two small children. She is also a nurse and her husband is a nurse. A few weeks ago she started having neck pain and back pain. I don't know many details as of now about how she was diagnosed, but her cancer has now spread to many places in her body. I don't know how much information to share right now because I have not spoken to the family about posting this. I am posting for PRAYERS for this family.

Please pray that God will give them direction on which way this should go in seeking treatment. Please go to God on your knees for this woman. She is such a strong woman of God and I know would covet the prayers of many right now. I have been reading of miraculous things because of blog readers/prayer warriors. I pray that this reaches those women and men.

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