Thursday, May 1, 2014


Christ died to set us free. Not to lead us into another form of bondage. Not so we could follow another set of rules, but so we could be free from every yoke of sin and death. Free to follow where Christ leads. Liberated. 

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

Living in freedom means living in the power of the Holy Spirit. Following and listening for the spirit to guide your life. That seems like a hard concept. Especially in our world of self reliance. 

We like the check boxes and the list of rules. How foreign a concept to not follow a list. If A happens then you do B. We get to see the progress of how good we are. Our empires grow and we see the result of our actions in motion. 

To follow Christ is a totally different concept to this world. Christ does not give us a list of boxes to check. He daily gives us acts of service in love. Service is messy. It is hard. You do not see instant results. You see tears, anger, hurt, betrayal, frustrations and then ultimately the beauty in following Christ. There are no hard set rules. People look at what you are doing and it makes no sense. How do you allow this to happen to your children, family and home. 

 God is bigger than anything we can comprehend. He knows everything and we know very little of our circumstances. I can make the decision to listen when the holy spirit leads and every time my outcome is glorifying to God. 

He does not cause harm or confusion. 

You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. "A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough." I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty. Galatians 5:7-10

Choosing to say yes to God in a world that is all about self can be so tough. Most of the time people think you are not doing the right thing. Then you will question if you are doing the right thing. God calls each of us to His kingdom. He has a different Yes for everyone. 

Standing firm in Christ and what the cross did for our freedom will ultimately lead to justification. 

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