Monday, February 16, 2009


I am at work tonight. I guess that is not a surprise to anyone who reads this blog. It is really sad to see some of the things I see. While it is not as bad as seeing PICU patients, these poor babies I take care of sometimes break my heart. They did not have a choice. They do not have a voice. They are the result of people unwilling to put there own personal desires aside to provide this child with a chance. Being a mother and having had two children grow inside of me, I can't understand how someone can do drugs while pregnant. I can't understand how you could not know that this is harmful. Please pray for these mother's and babies. Please pray for me to not judge them in their struggle. It is hard to take care of them. It is hard to look at them and not get emotionally involved. It is hard to seperate my feelings and make it just about the job. Thanks for the prayers.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I will keep you in m prayers... I could never do that job!